You can place an order through our user-friendly online platform. Simply log in, browse our extensive catalog, and add items to your cart. Once you’re ready, proceed to checkout and confirm your order.
You can track your order in real-time through our platform. Once your order is placed, you will receive a tracking number that you can use to monitor the status of your delivery.
We accept a variety of payment methods, including major credit cards, bank transfers, and other secure payment options. Details will be provided during the onboarding process.
Yes, we offer exclusive access to a specialized platform for our major yacht clients. This includes tailored solutions to meet the unique demands of your operations.
You can contact our customer support team via email, phone, or through the support section on our website. Our team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
We cannot accept returns or exchanges if you change your mind about a product, if the product is free from defects, or if the product is available elsewhere at a lower price.
Received orders are considered correct and final and can’t be cancelled after receiving it.